Almost every year, some people treat winter just like any other season. Are they wrong to do so? Indeed they are! Winter is a more stressful season than the others. It’s the time when we stay more indoors and when we go out, we may catch a cold or worse. If there’s one thing about Winter that we know for sure is that our immune system is taking a serious beating.
But don’t be afraid! Winter is indeed coming but we’ll show you how to boost your immune system so you can fight the cold, viruses and microbes.
It’s no surprise that winter is also called flu season and we talked about this in our previous articles. We’re predisposed to catching a cold or any type of virus since our immune system is weakened by surrounding factors.
How the Immune System works and when does it break down?
Basically, the immune system is your body’s defense system and it fights invaders (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus or any other things capable of making us sick). It’s composed of a complex system of cells, tissues and organs that work together do protect us.
If you want to understand why the immune system is so important for us, just try to remember that it can recognize millions of antigens and it produces what it needs to eradicate almost all of them. A well-working immune system can protect us from the common cold and even cancer.
But when does it break down?
Your immune system isn’t 100% bulletproof and sometimes it identifies substances as being harmful even if they’re not. This is when you get an allergic reaction to pollen or pet dander. Other reasons for immune system breakdown are represented by outside factors such as pollution but also our own actions like not sleeping enough or not having a balanced diet. That’s why you should boost your immune system during the cold seasons.
How to boost your immune system for Winter
There’s no wonder drug or miracle pill that will make your immune system bulletproof but there are other things you can do to strengthen it. Some things apply to certain people so try and pick what works from you from the following list of tips for Winter.
Fight the Vitamin D Deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiency levels tend to rise in the colder seasons to the lack of sun exposure but it’s not limited to Autumn and Winter. You should always be on the lookout for the following symptoms and adjust your diet and lifestyle to replenish the vitamin D levels.
Add garlic to your diet.
You shouldn’t use garlic just to spice up your food. More and more studies are telling us that garlic is boosting our immune system. You can raise your garlic intake by adding fresh chopped garlic in meals or use natural supplements with high garlic concentration.
Even if the weather is cold and you don’t really feel like exercising, you should do it to boost your immune system. You don’t have to go to the gym and plan a hard workout but try to add some moderate cardio to your winter lifestyle.
But if you want to be more active and go to the gym during the winter, there’s nothing wrong with that. Want to read more tips about working out in winter? Read our article on where should you work out during the winter.
Stay hydrated!
Water helps your organs to function and clears out any toxic substances you have in your body. When the cold comes, you can boost your immune system by adding hot fluids to your diet. Herbal teas will break up mucus, sooth the throat while strengthening your immune system. When buying herbal tea look for eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon or even marshmallow root.
Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle Routine.
The best strategy for our life is to adopt a healthy lifestyle routine.
This means take healthy foods, stay hydrated, follow a daily exercise plan and take necessary vitamins in consultation with the health practitioner.
Our philosophy is that prevention is the best approach for a healthy, positive and enriching life.
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