Winter is just around the corner – does that mean we’re going to fight the Winter weight gain? That’s a possibility for sure but there are some tips and tricks you can apply so you’ll win the fight and enable yourself to lose weight or stay fit during the colder months.
Before you get your fighting mood on, let’s first understand our opponent – the Winter weight gain.
Do we gain weight in Winter by default?
There are some misconceptions related to weight gain and eating in the colder months. Let’s see if we can shed some light on them and also shed off some extra pounds.
People think they need to eat more to stay warm.
Go and ask any gastrointestinal specialist and everyone of them will tell you this is wrong. The truth is that there are 2 types of fat: white and brown. Brown fat is brown adipose tissue, which babies have and it burns calories for heat. White fat does store energy but it doesn’t keep us warm.
Eating more during colder months is a trait from our ancestors. In their times, the winter was associated with famine so people would eat more in Autumn so they would survive. So that’s how we’re programmed.
Why do we overeat during the colder months?
If you find yourself unable to fight the Winter weight gain because you can’t stop yourself from eating, there’s a big chance you’re just sad. The “Autumn blues” effects stay with us even when winter starts. We’re feeling down and we turn to comfort foods which tend to be fattier. Feeling cold, wet and seeing how it’s dark outside almost all the time, will make us eat more high-sugar snacks that inevitably lead to other cravings.
How to win the fight against Winter weight gain?
Now that we see how winter and the cold weather affects our bodies, we should get to the other phase of our fight against Winter weight loss. It’s time so see how we can counteract the bad effects of this season and to even lose some weight.
It won’t be easy but you’re going to put up a good fight and you’re going to win in the end. Here’s how to fight the Winter weight gain.
Get more Vitamin D.
The sunshine vitamin plays an important role in our nutrition. Studies have shown that people with vitamin D deficiency store more fat and have a reduced rate of fat breakdown. The best way to get Vitamin D is from the Sun but seeing how we have less daylight, this can be a problem. There are other ways to get your vitamin D intake on the right track. A few weeks ago we wrote an article with the best natural sources to fight vitamin D deficiency so be sure to read it.
Be more active, even indoors.
Studies have shown that people who are active outdoors in other seasons will drop those activities during Winter but they’ll be eating the same amount of food. It’s not hard to explain how eating the same amount of food but exercising less can lead to the Winter weight gain. The solution is to exercise more outdoors or indoors. Do an exercise routine in the morning or pick up some games for the Nintendo Wii Fit.
Don’t fall off the wagon.
If you find yourself overeating on a holiday, don’t make that a regular thing. Keep track of your calories and update your diet along the way. If you ate too much on Thanksgiving or Christmas, fight the Winter weight gain by eating fewer calories the next days and exercise more.
Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle Routine.
The best strategy for our life is to adopt a healthy lifestyle routine.
This means take healthy foods, stay hydrated, follow a daily exercise plan and take necessary vitamins in consultation with the health practitioner.
Our philosophy is that prevention is the best approach for a healthy, positive and enriching life.
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