Did you ever wonder why your sleep pattern is different for each season? Even if we like it or not, the weather influences our sleep and there’s nothing we can do about. This is how our bodies are built and we are influenced by outside factors such as weather, sunlight, nature and others. Even if there’s nothing we can do about it, we can make it so we sleep better in any weather conditions.
If you want to know how to have a good sleep if the weather is cold or hot, read on because we’ll share all you need to know.
Cold weather influences our sleep? Why?
When the seasons change we also feel some changes within our bodies. Our internal clocks shift over to “winter time” as early as October and our sleep patterns are surely influenced.
First things first, we have to understand that although inside conditions are affecting us the most, we shouldn’t disregard how the outside factors are making us sleep worse. We get less sunlight, the days get shorter and we tend to stay more indoors. Night comes faster and our internal clocks are influenced by making us feel more sleepy. We could be even forced to take naps in the evening which is not beneficial for a good night sleep.
We also tend to do less exercise in this period. Try to stay active during cold weather since exercise supports better sleep patterns.
The air tends to be drier in the cold weather and the electric heaters we use don’t really help us since they take out even more humidity from the air around us. This can dry out mucous membranes and make us snore influencing the quality of sleep for us and our partner.
Viruses and microbes are also influencing the quality of our sleep. If we catch a cold we won’t get much sleep so we’ll be tired and groggy all day.
How to fight cold weather and get better sleep
Having a good night sleep is not hard to achieve if you fight the factors that are not giving you rest in the first place. Here’s what you need to do in order to get the best sleep conditions:
Keep the temperature cool.
Not saying you should be freezing but researchers have shown that a cool bedroom helps us sleep better. It’s all related to our body temperature that goes up and down during the day and dips close to when we should go to bed. A temperature between 60 and 72 degrees is where you need to start.
Take care of your feet.
If you have circulation problems, put on socks before you go to sleep. Cold feet can keep you up at night.
Dim the lights before bed and keep them dimmed.
Our bodies have an internal clock that is wired to light conditions. For example, light tells the brain it should wake you up so keeping the lights low before going to bed will help you get a better sleep by helping your brain to produce melatonin.
Control the environment.
Before buying a mattress and pillows, test them out and see how you feel. You don’t need a hard mattress and pillows are a personal choice so we’re talking about different settings for each person. But there’s a thing you can control to get better sleep. Studies have shown that people who clean their room and make up the beds in the morning get better sleep. A cluttered room creates anxiety or restless feelings.
You should also consider getting a white noise machine to help you sleep better. People tend to fall asleep with the TV on but the volume and light changes a lot so it’s actually keeping us awake rather than helping us sleep. A white noise machine tends to mask outside sounds and to create a constant ambient.
Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle Routine.
The best strategy for our life is to adopt a healthy lifestyle routine.
This means take healthy foods, stay hydrated, follow a daily exercise plan and take necessary vitamins in consultation with the health practitioner.
Our philosophy is that prevention is the best approach for a healthy, positive and enriching life.
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