Are you ready to take charge of a healthier you with younger looking skin? Then we need to target your dry skin . . .
I am happy to share with you a few tips on how important it is to start TODAY to look after your skin by starting a daily routine of skin care. It is no surprise that we are always looking for products that will make us look younger and trust me there is a million choices out there. Frankly, haven’t we tried them all.
I believe that naturals products are the right choice for anyone that is concerned about dry skin and how to prevent the effects of it.
The first step is to decide on the kind of skin type that you have. Once you determine your skin type and what works with your skin, it is up to you to keep a routine in place. Healthy eating, drinking lots of water and exercising daily all play a role in how young we feel and ultimately. . .
Unfortunately, there is no one pill or magic solutions. I am hear to share a bit of knowledge with you. I will talk about a few natural products that you can include in your daily skin care routine.
I encourage you to read this article and at the end of it, I will give you some exciting discounts that you can take advantage of.
What is it that makes us look young or old? It is the health of our skin and how we look after it.
Healthy skin happens from within. The effects of aging, stress, hormones and weather can all take a toll on our skin.
One of the first ways to determine how to care for your skin is to figure out your “skin type”.
This can be very confusing.
Many doctors use the term “skin type” which could describe your skin as:
- oily or dry which refers to the amount of sebum production
- or the amount of pigment in the skin
- or how it reacts to sunlight.
A simple test that you can do at home will reveal if you have dry skin. Wash your face with a mild cleanser and wait one hour. If your skin feels tight, you have quite dry skin. In many cases, you could have a combination of skin types and your skin would feel tight in different areas. Some dry and some oily. This would be a “combination” skin type and should be treated accordingly.
Once you have decided on a skin type. You may consider a few simple tips to keep your skin looking as youthful as possible:
- wear sunscreen every day if you are in the sun. As the damage from the sun will cause photoaging over time
- avoid smoking. This draws the face tight and withdrawn and gives a hollow appearance
- drink plenty of water. This will keep your body and your skin hydrated.
- eat foods rich in antioxidants, like berries, grapes, tomatoes, broccoli and green tea
How to Target Dry Skin and Look Younger Naturally
Some research has shown that the following naturals supplements aid in keeping your skin youthful (to name a few):
- Alpha Lipoic Acid – may slow the aging process of the skin caused by skin damage
- Green Tea – protects the skin from damage, may reverse skin damage, delays the aging of collagen and may even prevent skin cancer
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids – may play a significant role in reducing you skin sensitivity to UV rays
- Vitamin C – protects the face and skin from damage caused by free radicals. May even minimize the effects of sunburn
- Vitamin E – helps to neutralize free radicals and aids in prevention of aging.
As always, please consult with your doctor before changing any of your daily routines.
I hope you have enjoyed a few tips that I have provided in this article. Please join me again as I will be posting more articles like this one.
Have a Healthy Day!
Jane Brown
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