Hugely unique and popular, the “Alligator Pear” is taking the health world by storm! …actually the whole world…
With their new found popularity comes a barrage of tips, hacks and even myths! Here in this week’s episode of Missy’s Kitchen, I set out to debunk the one hack that has been circulating the inter-web lately…
- First things first let’s preheat our ovens to 250 degrees F
- Next, wrap your green/unripe/too hard/inedible avocado up in some tinfoil
- *optional* Place your wrapped avocado in an oven safe dish
- once heated, place your avocado in the oven
- Set the timer for 30 mins – NOW I KNOW THIS HACK SAYS TEN MINS BUT THIS HACK LIED TO US …thank goodness I was here to clear that up!
- Check on your avocado every 10 mins or so but i found it took 60 MINUTES to start softening/ripening
- By 1 HR your avocado should be ripe and no longer green on the outside, but more brown
- If you can pop the top nub off the avocado, then it is ready to be consumed
- Let your avocado cool completely and then slice it in half
- *BONUS HACK ALERT* Use a cup to scoop the insides of your avocado out of it’s skin effortlessly and perfectly
While I found that this oven hack IS indeed a hack and works, it is not quite as quick as everyone would like you to believe.
So definitely go out and buy those alligator pears in whichever stage they are in, just know you will need at least an hour to get it prepared if it is indeed too green!
Some benefits of incorporating avocados into your everyday diet are as follows:
They are incredibly nutritious.
Avocados are a type of fruit that we like to refer to as a superfood because of all it’s health properties and benefits. One avocado contains over 20 different kinds of vitamins and minerals such as;
- Vitamin K
- Folate
- Vitamin C
- Potassium
- Vitamin B5
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin E
This is ON TOP OF :160 calories, 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fats. *Although avocados DO contain 9 grams of carbs, 7 of those are fiber! So remember, this a low-carb friendly plant food!
Avocados are a Good Source for Potassium.
One serving of an avocado is said to contain 14% of your recommended daily intake of Potassium, while bananas supply 10%!
Several studies back that having a high potassium intake is good for managing blood pressure!
*Having high blood pressure levels may put you at risk for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.*
They are a good source for fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants!
Not only do avocados increase antioxidant absorption from other foods, they are also a good source of antioxidants themselves!
This includes nutrient called Lutein which is considered to be good for eye health!
So in short, avocados, if you are not already a fan, are definitely something you should start incorporating into your everyday breakfast, lunches or dinners! They will supply you the nutrients your body needs, which are often lacking due to modern day diets and conveniences.
Get back to the health basics with avocados!
You will NOT be sorry!
Feel free to experiment with this on your own too and leave me comments saying what worked for you! Maybe a higher oven temp would result in a faster ripening experience, maybe it would alter the taste too much…SOUND OFF in the comments below!
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