Almost everybody loves Christmas, right? Even the Grinch came around and managed to enjoy the holiday with his newly found friends, so why shouldn’t you do the same? When talking about Christmas, we’re thinking about the beautiful lights people use to decorate their house, the gifts, foods and the cookies.
Oh, the delicious cookies!
The winter holidays represent a period when we binge eat cookies, chocolate and other sweets. While that may offer you some satisfaction, it’s not going to do any good to your health. If you want to enjoy your Christmas without worrying too much about sugar, keep on reading because we have a few tips.
Why is sugar so bad for our health?
When eaten in moderation, sugar doesn’t pose any major health risks but when we overeat sweets, we go on a slippery slope. Having a big sugar intake can seriously damage your health. Why should you have a low sugar Christmas? Because:
- Sugar damages your teeth. The main culprit behind tooth decay is the sugar. Bacteria found around our teeth reacts to the sugar by producing acid substances that damage our teeth and gums.
- It lowers nutrient intake. If you eat a lot of candy you won’t have any room for nutrient-dense foods that support your health and it will accelerate the loss of nutrients in your body like calcium because they are used to digest the sugar in candy.
- Overeating sugar increases the risk of severe illness. Eating too much candy can lead to a increased risk of hearth disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and more.
- Sugar is a contributor to excess calories in the diet which leads to weight gain and obesity.
You probably knew these things but it’s good to repeat them from time to time, maybe we’ll be more careful in the future.
How to Enjoy Christmas this year?
The worst thing about overeating candy on Christmas is that you’re probably doing it without even knowing. Sugar consumption is similar to drinking alcohol since it’s associated with group bonding and fun. Having a low sugar Christmas may seem easy to follow but if you’re eating sugar without even knowing, your health may be at risk. For example, Christmas coffees can contain up to 100 g of sugar (according to the Daily Mail).
It becomes even harder to have a low sugar Christmas since we find the habit of eating it so acceptable and we automatically reach for it, making it hard to walk away from. But if you want to apply some changes, curb you cravings and your sugar intake, try to apply the following tactics.
Focus on just one sugar treat.
Having a low sugar Christmas can be easily obtained if you limit the options for candy during the holiday. Make your mind and choose just one treat you really like and just have that in your house. It will help you lower your sugar intake since we tend to eat more when we have more options.
Even if you eat one piece of 3-4 types of candy, you’re still overeating sugar. Having only one sugar treat in the house can help you see it as a reward and increase the levels of the happy neurochemical dopamine that surges in response to sugar.
Tell others you made this choice.
If you plan to have a low sugar Christmas, achieving this can be harder when your friends and family are offering you candy as gifts. One or two weeks before Christmas, tell your coworkers, friends and family that you’re planning to lower your sugar intake for the holidays and ask them not to offer sweets to you.
Be careful not become one of those persons that always brags about a healthier lifestyle choice. If you still get chocolate or other candy as a gift, put it aside and don’t fall off track.
Experiment with you sugar cravings.
We’re all different and what works for your friend Suzie doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you. That’s why you need to experiment with your sugar intake and sweet cravings and see what works best.
From some people abstinence works better. They’re able to remove all candy from their diet thus lowering their sugar intake. Don’t get disheartened if it doesn’t work for you! Experiment and note down your habits and reactions. Choose a smaller portion when eating candy and see how you react. This will help you find out what your body sees as “optimal sugar intake”.
Consider a natural nutritional supplement.
Natural Blood Sugar supplements are a great way to enjoy the holidays. They can help you but just don’t see them as the only thing you need to do to manage your sugar. Don’t forget to do exercises, eat in moderation and take your regular medication in consultation with your doctor to enjoy your Christmas.
If you want to enjoy Christmas, it’s best to mix 2 or 3 tips and tricks with a healthy lifestyle choices.
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