There are a lot of weight loss tips online but not all of them are good for you. Some websites pick up recommendations without checking with a nutritionist or without doing some research on their own. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Today we’re discussing the worst weight loss tips you should really avoid.
These bad weight lost tips can do you harm but mostly are just useless, putting you on the wrong track and keeping you from making the right decisions about your diet and exercise routine.
5 Worst weight loss tips you really need to avoid!
We’re all for delivering the best weight loss tips to our readers and that’s why we do our research. Below, you will find some bad weight loss tips you may think are legit, but after asking some nutritionists, you’ll see they’re not that good for you.
Don’t eat in the evening.
You’ll see this weight loss tip published on so many fitness websites, but is it really true? Some nutritionists say it doesn’t apply to all people so you shouldn’t worry if you can’t do it. Well, some people work out in the evening because their schedule doesn’t allow them to exercise in the morning. If you find yourself in this situation, you can eat a sensible, balanced meal around 7 – 8 PM. If it’s isn’t high in calories, that should be just fine.
Weigh yourself every day.
Nothing bad will happen if you decide to weight yourself every day. At least nothing bad for your health. In the same time, daily weigh-ins don’t capture the full extent of your weight loss efforts and may damage your morale. Many people gave up on losing weight when they didn’t see any changes in their daily weigh-ins.
Our recommendation would be to stick to weekly weigh-ins. This way you can see some changes and can take action if you’ve fallen out of the bandwagon with your calorie intake. Seeing positive changes will also help your morale.
Chew gum when you’re hungry.
If you get hungry, some people will recommend you to chew gum so you’ll trick your body. Others recommend to eat celery or something really poor in nutrients. Just chewing gum isn’t going to make your hunger go away and it may damage your health since you’re not feeding yourself properly.
The key here is to have snacks between meals. Don’t just eat two times a day, but have some snacks in between. Eating celery won’t fill you up and satisfy your hunger, but adding some peanut butter to small and healthy snacks can curbe down your cravings.
Lose weight just by detoxing.
Some people tend to follow the advice of celebrities and think that they just need a good detox to lose weight fast and without any side effects. Although all nutritionists will tell you this is a bad thing, the “wonder detox weight loss method” is promoted with the help of celebrities.
We never told our readers to rely only on detoxing. Cleansing your body from bad substances should be only a part of your weight loss journey. Don’t listen to the worst weight loss tips and think that one fast detox will help you lose weight big time. Detoxing can be used after the holidays, after you have been on medication for a longer period or if your nutritionist recommends it.
Pop weight loss supplements.
We’re always recommending people NOT to see natural weight loss supplements as wonder drugs and those who market them as wonder pills should be ashamed. Natural weight loss supplements can do wonders for your weight loss journey ONLY if you:
- Take them regularly.
- Have a balanced diet.
- Stay hydrated.
- Have a good exercise routine.
If losing weight would be easing as popping pills, everyone would be slim and we could eat whatever we want, whenever but that’s not the reality. Don’t hope for miracles when buying natural supplements, that’s one of the worst weight loss tips you can find online. Instead, keep track of your diet, exercise and see how the natural weight loss supplements help you achieve your losing weight goal.
For example, try do add the natural weight loss supplement do your diet, like we said above. You will see the results and feel better than ever!
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