Be unstoppable this summer, remember to stay hydrated and have fun. Regardless of your age, summer is a time to enjoy the sun, rest and rejuvenate, and be active. With a jam packed summer, filled with festivals, sports outings, amusement parks and days at the beach, summer may seem like there is a lot going on. What if we could make summer EVEN BETTER? With these 5 summertime tips, you can fully embrace your summer this year and impress all your friends.
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”left” headline=”1.%20Superfoods%20on%20the%20Go” alignment=”center”]This summer ensure that you are getting all your nutrients. Sometimes this is difficult especially when you have an action packed weekend planned. Make sure that you are not neglecting your health, an easy and convenient method is to add a scoop of the Greens Superfood Powder to your water, smoothie or anything that is suitable.
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”×200.jpg” image_alignment=”left” headline=”2.%20Sunburn%20Relief” alignment=”center”]When the sunburn is fresh and still tender, spray a bit of watered down apple cider vinegar on yourself for instant relief. The vinegar has antiseptic properties that help to alleviate pain, kill germs and calm inflammation.
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”×150.jpg” image_alignment=”left” headline=”3.%20Sunkissed%20Highlights” alignment=”center”]Want salon highlights without the salon price? This age-old trick has been tried and tested for many generations. Squeeze a bit of lemon juice in your hair before soaking in the sun. An additional trick, you can French braid you hair then squeeze in the lemon, this will help to highlight those underneath bits that don’t catch much sun.
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”×200.jpeg” image_alignment=”left” headline=”4.%20Stay%20Bite%20Free” alignment=”center”]Add a few drops of citronella and tea tree essential oils into a mister as a natural alternative to DEET. Invest in some citronella candles or coils to help ward off the pest bugs.
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”×168.jpg” image_alignment=”left” headline=”5.%20Instant%20Cooling” alignment=”center”]Wet! Wring! Wrap! Get yourself an Instant Cooling Towel to bring down your temperature during those scorching days. Whether you are in the garden, at the soccer field or hanging by the pool simply wet, wring and wrap the Instant Cooling Towel around your neck for immediate relief.