5 Steps to an Active Healthy Lifestyle

“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” ― Winston Churchill

Hello this is Jane Brown.  I have been asked so many times if daily activity is what “really matters”.

Yes.  It is important to keep moving as it contributes to your lasting weight loss journey.

Mayo Clinic scientists looked at the minute-by-minute activity levels of obese and skinny “couch potatoes”.  They discovered that the skinny people were actually on their feet, moving around, fidgeting, for 152 minutes more every day than people who did not move at all.

“Calories burned in everyday activities are far more important in obesity than we previously imagined” noted Lead Researcher James Levine, M.D.

Being Active has Many Benefits:

  • Find an activity that you enjoy – start slowly and increase your activity levels slowly
  • At least twice a week add a muscle or bone strengthening activity – may improve your posture and balance
  • Try to include some walking time each day
  • Whenever you can, make sure to include stairs into your daily activities

If you take steps now to increase your activities each day, it may prevent such health problems as heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and diabetes.

Did you know . . .

That our modern conveniences help us burn 700 fewer calories per day. Ever wonder why people in the 1950’s era looked so slim in photos?  The reason is that there were fewer conveniences and everyday life was packed full of hundreds of activities.

Today, we must look at rediscovering the joy of incorporating more exercise into our every day lifestyle.

Today, embrace as much movement as possible every day when possible.

Today, getting active means many bonuses for you.

5 Steps to An Active HEALTHY Lifestyle:

  1. When possible, never sit if you can stand
  2. Never stand when you can walk
  3. Keep your at least one part of your body in motion
  4. Try to carry and move things more often and farther
  5. Your feet should be your transportation, whenever possible

If you can incorporate movement into your daily lifestyle, you will guarantee that you will have more energy. This energy boost will help you cut down stress and will improve the flow of blood to your muscles and brain.

“I run because if I didn’t, I’d be sluggish and glum and spend too much time on the couch. I run to breathe the fresh air. I run to explore. I run to escape the ordinary. I run…to savor the trip along the way. Life becomes a little more vibrant, a little more intense. I like that.”
Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner

If you can incorporate such activities as pushing a lawn mower, take a dance class or a bike ride to the store, you will benefit from this continuous movement as it will help you to breathe better and feel warmer. To improve your balance and posture, try to include some yoga or palates into your routine as it will help to keep muscles and bones strong.

The bottom line on exercise – from the Mayo Clinic

Exercise and physical activity are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have fun. As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you haven’t exercised for a long time, have chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes or arthritis, or you have any concerns.

As always, we suggest that you consult with your doctor before starting any regulated exercise program.

Reminder, if you keep active – you can add years to your life.

“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and we don’t know where the heck she is.”
Ellen DeGeneres

Take care and have a happy, healthy day!

Jane Brown

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