There are many ways you can look at Autumn. Some people see the time of harvest, the moment when they reap what they sow. They work hard all year long and reap the benefits during the fall. Others see new beginnings. Kids go back to school, students to college. It’s a wonderful time, right? Well, if there weren’t for the autumn blues, that would be true.
Some individuals suffer during autumn from various reasons. Luckily for them, we’re here with 4 Natural ways to smash the autumn blues.
What are the Autumn Blues?
Let’s see what we’re fighting against. When Autumn comes, we tend to be more melancholic and our happiness and energy levels tend to go down. Here are some reasons for our period of autumn blues.
- We spend less time outside. The weather changes, it’s colder so we tend to stay more indoors therefore we get less Vitamin D from the Sun.
- Fall allergies kick in. Ragweed pollen, mold and dust mites are the biggest threats to allergy-sensitive people.
- Days get shorter. We have less light each day so our bodies tend to accommodate to this scenario. We’re getting tired and sleepy easily.
These factors will rise our stress hormones level while decreasing body resistance. One thing leads to another and more and more people tend to get colds and suffer from other infections. Our happiness levels also drop starting the Autumn blues.

How to SMASH the Autumn Blues the Natural Way
1) Preparation.
If you know you’re a person who suffers from the Autumn blues, it’s better to prepare for the cold weather and get the most out of the last summer days. Spend as much time outside as you can, building your body’s Vitamin D reserves. You should also try to cleanse your body from all the toxic substances you accumulated during the Summer. When the weather is really hot, we tend to eat ice cream and drink a lot of beer. Before Fall starts, try to do a body cleanse the natural way.
2) Embrace the Autumn Foods
Nature also helps us with our autumn blues. There are some Fall foods that boost our immune system and raise our overall happiness levels. Here are some example of foods you should consider during the colder Autumn days:
- Beetroot – contains unique antioxidants, offering protection against free radical damage. High nitrate content helping to lower your blood pressure but relaxing and dilating the blood vessels. Also contains fibers and vitamin C.
- Broccoli – rich in glucosinolates who get converted into isothiocynates – exerting health-protective effects in the body. High levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, fibers, lutein and zeaxanthin.
- Cranberries – contain Hippuric acid and proanthocyanidins which are important if you want to protect your urinary tract. Like other berries, they have a high content of antioxidants, fibre, vitamin C and manganese.
- Pears – they have twice as more fibers than a serving of brown rice. They can keep hunger in acceptable levels by keeping your fuller for longer. They’re a good source of copper which is important to your nervous system and antioxidants.
If you have the option, try to eat them fresh.
3) Boost your Mood
Feeling down? The following healthy changes to your lifestyle should make you feel better. The fun thing about them is you don’t need to do a lot of work to feel better. Here’s how to boost your mood and smash the autumn blues:
- Wake up early – Try to be a morning person! Days are shorter and darker which can lead to a seasonal disorder transforming you into a sad, tired and depressed person. To keep your internal clock in order you should try to spend half an hour outside between 6 AM and 10 AM because the daylight is strongest.
- Fix your sleep – With the current changes, your sleep patterns could shift to the bad side making you wake up tired and craving sleep all day. Don’t fill your cup of coffee more during the day but try to keep the same sleeping schedule.
- Be more active in the bedroom. Sex is extremely important when fighting the autumn blues. During summer we’re more active but when fall comes, our libido tends to decrease. If you want to avoid an autumn libido crash, try to be more active in the bedroom at reasonable hours. Don’t wait until late at night when you’re tired.
- Have more fun – Try to be more active and to socialize. Have a get-together with friends, do fun activities and try to laugh more. These will help you boost your endorphins.
4) Boost your health by adopting a Healthy Lifestyle Routine.
The best strategy for our life is to adopt a healthy lifestyle routine.
This means take healthy foods, stay hydrated, follow a daily exercise plan and take necessary vitamins in consultation with the health practitioner.
Our philosophy is that prevention is the best approach for a healthy, positive and enriching life.
When the colder weather kicks in, your body will be under attack from an increased number of microbes making you prone to infections. This can affect you in more ways than one, making you depressed or unhappy. We may not understand the full spectrum of how our body and mind work together but we know for sure they are the Yin and Yang of our existence.
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