This article was published in the PR Web on 13th June and we are providing you a summary as there is some good information on how to break the psychological cycle of weight loss.
Summary of Original Article:
Stress, anxiety, depression and self-esteem may all be issues hindering weight loss success for people who have tried countless diets and failed. The downward spiral of emotional eating followed by feelings of shame and embarrassment is a vicious cycle hindering many people from losing weight.
According to 101 Medical Weight Loss, the leader in medical weight loss programs in the San Fernando Valley, when it comes to losing weight, you may be your own worst enemy.
“If you’ve tried losing weight before and have found it to be an uphill battle in which you lose a few pounds only to gain back several more, then it’s time to break the psychological cycle that may holding you back from your goal,” says Dr. Aazami of 101 Medical Weight Loss.
People who are overweight often feel a social stigma or prejudice that can have a negative effect on their self-esteem. This often causes a psychological cycle for weight gain to be set in motion. People, overweight as well as thin, often eat in response to stress, depression, loneliness, and anxiety. This stress-induced or emotional eating can lead to weight gain which in turn leads to lower self-esteem, depression, and anxiety, which leads to more stress-based eating and additional weight gain. It’s easy to see how one can become trapped in a dangerous downward spiral and vicious cycle.
Use these seven steps to create a mental turnaround and break through the psychological barriers that are holding you back.
7 Steps to Breaking the Cycle
1. Stop Diet Deprivation
Diets that put severe restrictions on what you can eat often arouse binge eating. While you may hold out for a while, one day you’ll decide depriving yourself is not worth it, or you can’t take it anymore, and you dig into the refrigerator, freezer, or snack cabinet with a vengeance. Allow yourself small indulgences that are satisfying and will help you avoid harmful binging.
2. Plan Ahead
What if you should slip? The best way to avoid slipping is through pre-planning. So, if you’re off to a backyard barbeque or family gathering, decide ahead of time what your plan is. Eat something healthy and filling before you go out and then allow yourself a few special treats at the party, but exercise portion control. If you know that Aunt Mary is making your favorite dessert, plan on having a small slice and savor it. Managing your weight and enjoying life should go hand in hand.
3. Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals
To avoid the frustration of failing, don’t overstress yourself with unrealistic weight loss goals. You gained weight slowly over time and it will take some time to gradually lose that weight. Slow but sure is the best approach.
4. Choose Healthy Outlets for Emotions
Instead of opening the refrigerator when you’re upset, try phoning a friend or taking a walk instead. Discover something that makes you feel calmer or happier – something other than food or alcohol.
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