Read Below Brief Information of “Health Nutrition for 21st Century” eBook

Packing More Nutrition into Your Diet

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There are simple steps to follow to have a more nutritious and delicious diet. Even the very busy person can become a nutrition savvy cook and shopper with just a little bit of time and effort. First and foremost, do not forget the small stuff. This might sound silly, but many people do not get enough vegetables in their diets.
We get so busy worrying about making the perfect pot roast that we ignore the delicious and nutritious side dishes. Make vegetables your main dish and place the meat to the side. This means you will have to be adventurous with your vegetable gathering. Try some vegetables that you do not normally buy.
Avoid that canned food aisle in the supermarket and head over to the fresh produce section. Select a large butternut squash or an acorn squash. Roasted, squash is really delicious and low in fat and calories. You can easily slice a butternut squash in half, remove the seeds and bake it in the oven until it is soft. Sprinkle the squash with just a pinch of cinnamon and you have a scrumptious center point for a wonderful dinner.
If you can work at trying new vegetables, you will really be amazed at the results. Skip the regular corn and green beans and try some snow peas or fresh greens. Collard greens and kale are tasty when you add them to your corned beef recipe or just drizzle them with olive oil. Increasing your intake of vegetables is the simplest way to lower your caloric intake and decrease the amount of salt and fat in your diet.[/text_block]

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